Mammalian Species
Mammalian Species publishes 15-35 individual species accounts each year. Each account summarizes the current understanding of the biology of an individual species including systematics, distribution, fossil history, and genetics.

    Mammalian Species is published by the American Society of Mammalogists with 15-35 individual species accounts issued each year. Each uniform account summarizes the current understanding of the biology of an individual species including systematics, distribution, fossil history, genetics, anatomy, physiology, behavior, ecology, and conservation. The accounts vary from 2-14 pages depending upon what is known about the species.

    A complete list of all published Mammalian Species Accounts can be downloaded at the ASM website. Taxonomy follows MSW3, with some updates. Note that since 2010, accounts have also been assigned a volume number, beginning with volume 42, and that, online, accounts are called ‘issues’. This spreadsheet will be updated regularly. Please send any errors or comments to Dr. Paul Stapp (, ASM Publications Director.


Print ISSN: 0076-3519

Online ISSN: 1545-1410

Current: Dec 2024 : Volume 56 Issue 1040

BioOne Member Since: 2001

Frequency: Bimonthly

Journal Citation Indicator: NA

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